Labris Networks’
Powerful Trainings
You can access the training you need on information and network security at Labris Cyber Security Academy.
Whether you're a novice or an expert, our academy is here to help you to improve in the world of digital security.
Labris Certified Security Administrator (LCSA)
Our aim is to inform the participants about the network, network security and devices, software, operating system and cloud computing needed in information and network security, and to enable them to make a strong start in the IT sector.
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Labris Certified Security Professional (LCSP)
To ensure that each person specializes in this field by enriching them with sample applications on a wide range of Network and Information Security topics and devices, and by providing training on advanced firewall and security techniques, Linux basics, Active Directory basics, remote management, virtualization, failover and firewall cluster.
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DDoS Attacks Awareness Training
It aims to teach every aspect of defense against DDoS Attacks. DDoS Attacks is training designed for IT professionals, including attack types, the design and system vulnerabilities on which the attacks are based, and ways to protect them.
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