The research report, segments the DDoS protection market by Component (Solution, and Service), Application Area (Network, Application, Database, and Endpoint), Deployment Mode, Organization Size, Vertical, and Region.
Labris Networks is listed as one of Key Innovators in the 15th chapter of the report with its AI (Artifical Intelligence) based L7, CPE DDoS Mitigation product line and integrated SOC and CERT services.Labris Networks is the game changer player in the market with its technology and business model innovations.
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Author Details:
Shreyas Waikar
Industry Analyst, Information Security at MarketsandMarkets
Additional information is reachable from the report’s page.

Labris Networks is listed as one of the “Key Innovators” in MarketsandMarkets’ DDoS Protection and Mitigation Market – Forecast to 2021 Report.